Today's all we have

You're somewhere today.

That sounds pointless but you are somewhere. Maybe it is exactly perfect and exactly how you imagined and you wouldn't change a thing but chances are you want to change something or possibly overhaul your whole damn life. Either way, you're getting there. I am trying not to sound cliche but you have to believe me, time is in its own way actual magic. It goes forwards, you believe with all your heart that things will be okay and eventually they are. You'll look back, maybe thinking you haven't achieved much but through all of life's intricacies and details and days you'll have come so far - when this happens, be proud of yourself, celebrate your life. On the journey to achieving your dreams, please don't lose the fact that you are somewhere today.

You are somewhere and it may not be that ideal place in your head but you can work with today. You are in a place, you have something around you and you definitely have something WITHIN you to enjoy today. Stop and smell the roses while you do the awesome things you are gonna do anyway. Time will bring together the threads and create the life you desire but all while the universe does its thing, you are still living.

Your life does not automatically start the day your realty matches the pictures in your mind - we're here, slap bang in the middle of you living and it is absolutely the best move to enjoy what you have, while you have it. You will get there. That place you want to be, doing what you want to be and you'll look around and be so happy but until then there's a whole lot of living and that includes everything! When you're sitting there just marvelling at the beautiful life its taken you a month, a year, a decade to create, I hope you also spend time remembering how awesome it was to build, create, meet, change and grow while you cultivated your dreams.

Whether its taken you a day to get to where you are (I am sure it was a long day), maybe its taken you weeks and months (again, they would have felt long as hell) or maybe it was years (quite literally ages)...

You're somewhere today.

You'll be somewhere else tomorrow.

No one knows where.

So just make the most of today.

Take a step back from the whole damn thing and see yourself as someone you care about. You'd be proud of that person, so it only right to be proud of yourself. Don't look back for too long, the future is all yours, too.


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