Is your glass half-empty or half-full?

Age old question, are you a half-empty or half-full kinda person? When a situation unfolds around you, what do you feel? How do you react and what do you think? These are the things that determine your world. What world are you making for yourself? Also, (sidenote) is it not great that you have a glass and something is in it?

Being positive isn't just about seeing life with rose-tinted glasses, it's about constantly working on yourself, checking in with yourself, refining and really just actively changing your lifestyle to reflect a better version of yourself. Adjusting your habits and thoughts to see the glass as half-full will enable a better quality of life for you and for those around you. You will be using your time to find solutions, identify areas of improvement within yourself and your energy will be spent on appreciating what is rather than dwelling on what is not.

A super important thing is to keep perspective, very few things in life are 'now or never' or 'end of the world' despite what our brains sometimes trick us into thinking. That being said, we have all at one point or another reacted to something trivial with a sense of theatrical doom. Perspective is the most important thing to check on when something changes - ground yourself, find a centre within yourself and reassess the circumstances for what they are not what your hypothetical worst case scenario is. 

There is so much power and beauty and resilience in being alive. Seriously, being alive means that instead of looking at something you have never done before and saying you cannot do it, you can learn something brand new- whenever. Being alive means that you can look at a complex situation and try various angles, teach yourself new methods and raise the bar for results. Being alive means that when something doesn't work out, you can pick yourself up and try again. You have time on your side, you have thoughts that are your own + no matter who you are, you have talents, capabilities and abilities that can take you as far as you would like to go and then further still. A situation by itself can rarely destroy someone like that, it's the projections of our own thoughts and manifestations that make the situation seem unfathomable. 

Another great thing you can ask yourself is whether you are seeing the whole picture. It's similar to the perspective point but here I believe the trick is to actively see a day as a full day not just a compilation of the negative bits. This is something that can happen quite easily so its all the more essential to look twice and see the best parts of the day, too - what was something that made you smile? Are you able to list five things you are grateful for on that day? Even something as simple as that can send positive energy surging through your mind and you can feel the gratitude wash over you. 

Nothing really changes overnight but practice and being aware of how you are interpreting life can make all the difference. There are so many reasons to see life as half-full. Firstly, it honestly just IS pretty beautiful (like objectively), then there is the matter of health! Being a positive person will help reduce your stress, your tensions and enable you to live a fuller, richer life. Seeing solutions and possibilities instead of shut doors and failures will enable you to build a growth mindset that will help you flourish in every walk of life and it all stems from changing your approach to a situation and realising that you, within yourself hold power to change your world

Glass half-fulls everywhere,


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