The magic of gratitude - part I

You may have realised there's a general theme to this blog - being happy, talking about happiness, thinking happy thoughts, happy-happy.

Where does it come from? The desire to be happy and why are more people not happier... why is everyone not happy all the time? (The last bit is totally okay, the value of happiness would be diminished if were unable to compare it to any form of sadness!). 

It's pretty simple to switch on the happiness when you realise or accept that it's not a destination. Just really let those words sink it... it is not something you are headed towards or something you will one day reach. You may be reading this and thinking "when i've done XYZ I'll be happy, I know it..." I hope you are! I really do, but being happy isn't something you'll wake up and just have one day, no one can give it to you and it probably won't just formulate one day like you're imagining. Its a choice, its a conscious decision to make in the morning, if you do sometimes think you would like to be happy... just BE. Life will always deal the cards it wants to, we're pretty much just sitting around and waiting for it to give us the next plot twist but we can and should always control how we react to life. 

Just get up and carry on, think about the things you love and do more of them! Sit with people you know, sit with people you don't know, sit alone and be comfortable in all situations. Try new things and put all your worries and anxieties in building something new. Work on all parts of your life and soul and world and tinker away at each bit until its the work of art you need it to be. Take the holiday you want, find the job you want, buy the dress you keep staring at, treat yourself to dinner, to coffee to a movie. You don't need anyone else to be happy, you don't need more than what you have. The purest and most authentic happiness is found within and by having a grateful heart. A grateful heart will create more magic than you can imagine, it will open doors where you didn't see anything before, it will soften hearts and it will add a sparkle to your everyday life. Look around, you have so much to be thankful for, I am sure! You have the sky, the sun, the moon, your Family, your health, your senses and your mind, your ability to talk and think and read and taste! What a wonderful life that it.. if in any doubt, just start making a list of all the things around you and all you love and cherish and see for yourself...

U x


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