What you should know about Monday
So Monday is (for real) my favourite day of the week. I actually really look forward to a new week full of unknown events starting and bringing fresh magic to my life. That being said, I have heard and seen and read about people dreading Mondays and I'm sorta here today (on a Monday) to give a definitive lowdown on why Mondays can be golden.
So, Monday blues, from what I gather its a combination of one or more of the following factors: end of the weekend, Monday being too far from the next weekend, a messed up sleeping pattern (a messed up internal clock), the daunting return to work, the list of challenges or tasks that lie ahead in the upcoming week.
It may seem like an unpleasant episode every time Monday rolls around or you may not feel the stress but still have an inexplicable case of 'Monday blues' but I am gonna go ahead and provide some food for thought if you want to switch up that feeling and replace it with a genuine excitement and little buzz + sparkle to make Monday's the best day of the week.
The first thing to think about is what's the reason behind the blues, is it an unbalanced sleeping pattern over the weekend? Maybe its overindulgence, or perhaps there's a way to better organise your time and take off some of the pressure you've placed on Monday tasks. Maybe it's something else entirely, if you feel really anxious or worried about Mondays, maybe it's time to think about what you are doing and if you are where you really want to be and if there is a way you can change that. Once you know what's holding you back from feeling absolutely awesome about kick-starting a new week, you can work on that and I'd suggest having a look at the things below:
- Try maintaining a similar healthy pattern across seven days rather than only on weekdays. Aim to get the same amount of sleep and balance indulgence with healthy kicks across the weekend. This way, when Monday rolls round your internal clock will still be in check and you'll be able to start breaking out of the cycle of Monday's being a shock to the system.
- Try to prep the upcoming week on Friday before you head off to enjoy your weekend - I usually try and do this to ensure I am mentally one step ahead of the game and I already know what to (kinda) anticipate in the week ahead. It may be that your work is quite dynamic with moving parts but you can still use the time to schedule in lunch breaks or hydration breaks or scribe what will probably, generally be happening on each day next week!
- With that in mind, its also a good shout to tick off as many of Monday's high-pressure items as possible on the Friday before the weekend. It's possible that some of it cannot be done but there are probably a few things you can squeeze in on Friday and this will relieve you of the dread that comes with putting things off till next week.
- There are loads of little things that I am sure you have probably heard before but they ring true: rest up, stay hydrated, maintain a generally wholesome and sustainable lifestyle that combines fun with things that are beneficial for your mental, spiritual and physical health. Simple tricks are always best and these ones are for sure the ones to subscribe to.
- Make sure you give yourself time to re-set. Try to not fret too much about work over the weekend because mentally clearing your thoughts is as important as cleaning your home or as getting your rest. How you mentally process work and your life's patterns will massively determine how you feel physically so stay chill, stay cool and remember if you rest up and take the necessary steps to taking care of yourself, you'll be the BEST you on Monday and you'll absolutely smash whatever challenge lies ahead.
- Sometimes its nice to plan something special for Monday evening. That way you'll have something super cool to look forward to and it'll make the day smoother (delayed gratification is a real thing)... even if its just a movie you'll watch or evening yoga or a dinner you want to have, having something planned and to look forward to will ease the blues.
- Our working environment is so important. What works for someone else may not necessarily work for you and that is totally okay. Have a think about where you are working, what you are doing and how you feel about it. I feel incredibly fortunate to be doing something that means the world to me in an environment that truly is in sync with who I am but I had to think about what I wanted before it materialised in my life. Have a think and make the necessary changes to be happy with your work. Despite the common narrative, you REALLY can love your job. You CAN wake up and want to go to work. The World IS your oyster. Be brave enough to go after the dream life, it seriously can be yours.
No matter what, Monday's are gonna keep rocking up so you have a choice - look forward to them, rise up to them, smash them and make Monday the best day of the week or miss the opportunities, stay in the cycle, keep wondering 'what kinda people like Mondays' and never really find out what your potential is. A big start to the week really does make a difference - your mindset shifts, your gratitude rises, your impact is efficient, positive and fulfilling.
Just think about it, Mondays can be the absolute coolest if you give them a fair chance.
Stay smiling,
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